Autism is often in the news, sometimes for negative or concerning reasons. But here are three positive news stories that feature autism in the news this September.
Australian National Autism Strategy consultation
From SBS News on Australia’s first national autism strategy, published 4th September 2023.
Australia’s first autism strategy is open for feedback as the federal government seeks to improve health, education and employment outcomes for people living with neurodiversity.
The National Autism Strategy discussion paper and a guided questionnaire have been released for public consultation.
Read the discussion paper here and respond to the consultation online here.
New early detection for autism using eye tracker
From NBC News, published 6th September 2023.
Researchers publishing in JAMA announced a tablet-based device that can successfully identify autism in children as young as 16 months old as accurately as other assessments. The device follows eye movements of children as they watch social interaction between two children. This allows specialists to work out what social information children are taking in, and may speed up diagnosis of ASD in children.
Dungeons and Dragons introduce an autistic character
From Polygon, published 5th September 2023.
The latest release of Dungeons and Dragons rulebook includes a new character called Asteria who is autistic. Detailed in the book Deck of Many Things, it further promotes autism in the D&D community. D&D gives structure to social interactions, making it a popular choice of entertainment for autistic people. Asteria is described as a princess/palladin who often hyperfixates, needs her fidget toys, and doesn’t give eye contact.