50 Positive Affirmations for Kids

Our son is his harshest self-critic. He’ll chastise himself Dobby-style (from Harry Potter) if he’s done wrong or messes up. It’s a constant struggle to get him to be kind to himself, accept that mistakes are made, and move on from that.

Positive self-talk is so important for kids, especially those that are neurodivergent. They are going to stick out a little and feel awkward. So they need to have a big tank of positive affirmations and an established barrier of positive self-talk. This helps reduce anxiety, helps with staying calm and in control for problem solving, and supports a good mental health.

50 Positive Affirmations

Here’s 50 positive affirmations and self talk statements for kids. Write your favourites on index cards as lunch notes, on a post-it note on their pillow before they go to sleep. Encourage your child to keep up a kind-to-themselves stream of self-talk.

  1. I am enough
  2. I am getting better every day.
  3. Today is going to be a great day.
  4. I am a wonderfully person.
  5. There is only one of me.
  6. I am special.
  7. All my problems have solutions.
  8. I am a problem solver.
  9. Today, I am courageous.
  10. Mistakes happen but it’s ok.
  11. I have worth.
  12. I am loved.
  13. My mistakes help me grow.
  14. Today, I am confident.
  15. I stand up for what I believe in.
  16. I control my own happiness.
  17. I have goals and dreams.
  18. I can get through anything.
  19. Today, I choose to think positive.
  20. I can do better next time.
  21. My mistakes don’t define me.
  22. I am content.
  23. Everything will be okay.
  24. I can make my own choices.
  25. I am capable of so much.
  26. I am unique.
  27. I deserve to be loved.
  28. I can make a difference.
  29. My life matters.
  30. My hands are small, but mine.
  31. Today, I am brave.
  32. I believe in myself.
  33. I am ready to learn.
  34. I am curious.
  35. Today, I am open minded.
  36. I embrace new things.
  37. If I fail, I will get back up.
  38. I am whole.
  39. I will overcome my fears.
  40. One step at a time, I can do this.
  41. I can do what I set my mind to.
  42. It is enough just to be me.
  43. I love who I am.
  44. Today will be an awesome day.
  45. I am valued.
  46. Every day is a new day.
  47. I grow when I push myself.
  48. I can turn over a new leaf.
  49. I can live with discomfort.
  50. Just breathe. I am in control.

Printable Poster

You can also find these 50 affirmations and positive self-talk statements in the Resilience Journal for Kids, available here.

Alternatively, you can grab the printable A3 poster below to pin up at home and remind you to have positive self talk.

50 positive self talks poster

Or download the file as pdf here.

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